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St Paul's R.C. Primary School

As God's Family We Aspire To Love, Grow, Learn

And Achieve Beyond Our Dreams

Year 2

Welcome to Year 2


'As God's family we aspire to love, grow, learn and achieve beyond our dreams.'


My name is Mr. Turner, and I am the class teacher in Year 2. Miss Gosling and Mrs. Bailey are our wonderful teaching assistants.


Key information:


Spellings for the week will be shared on Monday morning and they are also available on our class page weekly. 

Reading books will be changed on a Monday, if needed, but the children can change their book any day at school once they have read it all. The children can read a book from home if they have completed their school reading books.

Homework will be live on Numbots and Times Table Rockstars and the children can access this at home. There may be occasional foundation subject activities set for homework.


From the Spring Term, We will have a times tables review every Friday. 

Our indoor PE lesson is on Wednesday - please ensure that your child has a PE kit in school. The outdoor PE lesson will be on Monday - your child will need to bring an outdoor kit in for this lesson.

Please regularly check our class page to keep updated with any new information you may need to be aware of. Other information may sometimes be available on our classroom door, so please keep an eye on that for any updates or changes.


Change of Reading Books: Monday

However, please make sure your child brings their book bag and reading books daily as there will be regular opportunities to read in class.


Homework: Set on Monday

English: Daily reading and spellings

Maths: Numbots/Times Table Rockstars


PE: Outdoor - Monday, Indoor - Wednesday

Children need to bring an outdoor kit into school weekly. Indoor kits can stay in school and will be sent home accordingly. 


If you have any worries, concerns or queries, please do not hesitate to contact the school office and I will be in contact at the earliest possible opportunity.


We look forward to a successful, joyous and enjoyable year ahead!


The Year 2 team.

Year 2 Activity Passport

Reading and Phonics in Key Stage 1

Phonics Mats for Phases 3, 4 and 5


Please note, all groups will be revising all these sounds ready for the Phonics Screening Test.