Welcome to the home of the Chaplaincy team
On this page you will be able to see what we've been doing and what our future plans are.
The Chaplaincy team play a vital role in the Spiritual life of our school and are supported by our Chaplaincy leader Mrs. Hunt.
Our Chaplains
Chaplaincy at St. Paul's RC Primary School
At St. Paul's RC Primary School, our chaplaincy team plays a vital role in nurturing the spiritual and faith development of our pupils, staff, and wider community. As a Roman Catholic school, the religious character of our school is central to everything we do, and our chaplains are instrumental in bringing this to life.
Celebrating the Word
Every Monday, our chaplains lead the whole school in a Celebration of the Word, where they share the Gospel and encourage our pupils to reflect on its meaning and how it can guide us in our daily lives. Throughout the week, our chaplains also visit each class to lead a Celebration of the Word tailored to the specific needs and interests of the pupils.
Encouraging Worship and Prayer
Our chaplains work closely with our pupils to ensure that our school's worship and prayer experiences are meaningful and engaging. They encourage children to evaluate our collective worship, providing feedback that helps us to continuously improve. The chaplains also take the lead in organising community prayer and liturgy with other local schools, fostering a sense of unity and shared faith.
Supporting the Liturgical Year
The chaplains are responsible for ensuring that our school displays and environments reflect the liturgical year, helping our pupils to connect with the rhythms of the Church calendar. They also play a key role in leading important events, such as whole-school celebration Masses, that bring our community together in prayer and worship.
Nurturing Spiritual Growth
In addition to their work in the classroom and during collective worship, our chaplains also run the popular JAM (Jesus and Me) Club in our school chapel. This club provides a space for pupils to explore their faith, learn how to pray, and grow in their relationship with God.
Embodying Our Vision and Values
The work of our chaplaincy team is deeply rooted in the vision and values of St. Paul's RC Primary School. By cherishing each member of our community, nurturing our God-given talents, and supporting our journey of faith and learning, our chaplains help us to "Be Like St. Paul" and "love, grow, learn, and achieve beyond our dreams."
Our Mission Statement
In our St Paul’s family, we strive to
‘Be Like St Paul’ providing a safe, compassionate and respectful place of growth.
We will cherish each other, in a climate of forgiveness and understanding, as God cherishes each one of us.
In the light of Christ, all members of our community will support our development on our inspirational journey of faith and learning, as we bear joyful witness to God’s word.
Our God-given talents will flourish through the support of our love of Jesus, learning and each other.
As God's family, we aspire to love, grow, learn and achieve beyond our dreams.