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St Paul's R.C. Primary School

As God's Family We Aspire To Love, Grow, Learn

And Achieve Beyond Our Dreams


Welcome to Phonics

Phonics Leader: Mrs Whyman


Phonics - Little Wandle

What is phonics?

Phonics is a way of teaching children how to read and write. It helps children hear, identify and use different sounds that distinguish one word from another in the English language.

Understanding phonics will also help children know which letters to use when they are writing words.


Children progress through each of the phonic phases from phase 1 to phase 5. Phonics is taught for at least 20-30 minutes daily.  Children are taught whole class and each lesson has a 'keep up' session that follows on for those children that need repetition of the sounds taught. 

Introduction, Revisit/ Review, Teach, Practise, Apply, Assess.

Repetition of the sounds helps them to become embedded.

We follow Little Wandle Letters and Sounds revised as our systematic synthetic phonics programme. This scheme is followed with fidelity to ensure all children make excellent progress in their phonics and early reading. All classes have a daily phonics session where children learn the vital building blocks needed for successful reading and writing. Children’s progress is monitored closely and those children who are not making expected progress receive small group  or 1-1 interventions giving them the best chance to catch-up.

Phonics Policy

Please click on the video links below for support with teaching phonics at home.