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St Paul's RC Primary School home page

St Paul's R.C. Primary School

As God's Family We Aspire To Love, Grow, Learn

And Achieve Beyond Our Dreams

School Council

Welcome to the School Council Page


Every class in Year 1 through to Year 6 have two School Council representative. We hold regular meetings to discuss ways in which we can improve our school. We also come up with ideas for raising money for the school. Year 6 also represent EYFS.


The School Council members will regularly meet to discuss the views and ideas of pupils at St Paul's. These discussions are then fed back to the rest of school through this website page, classroom discussions and assemblies. You can also put forward your suggestions about how to improve our school in a number of ways:-


  • Speak to a School Council representative and they will jot your comments down in their 'Council Comments' log book which they will then take to the next meeting.
  • You can also write down your idea on a slip of paper and hand it to Your School Council representative who will then bring this to the next meeting.


Head Girl and Head Boy

Deputy Head Boy and Girl

Our School Council Representatives

Last academic year, 2023/2024, as a school council we have achieved so much!

We have been able to raise money to support a total refurbishment of our school library including a school wide book swap and brand new books for our library! 


We also held a 'chicken run' to raise money for a chicken for every class in our school; Peggy, Mavis, Colin the Cockerel, Geraldine, Coco, Beyonce and Mango have made such a great addition to our St Paul's family! The children love going to feed them and collect their eggs everyday. These eggs are for sale at the school office, just come and ask! 


We have hosted multiple cake sales and raffles to raise money for our new ideas and initiatives. As a school council your support is paramount and we thank you for all your continued support throughout the school year! 

Chicken run!🏃‍♀️ 🐔

We reached out to the children across school using our online meeting platform to see if they are satisfied with the new menu and collated their results with Option 1 (YES) being the clear winner!