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St Paul's RC Primary School home page

St Paul's R.C. Primary School

As God's Family We Aspire To Love, Grow, Learn

And Achieve Beyond Our Dreams

Year 1

Welcome to Year 1


Mission Statement

In the St Paul’s family, we strive to ‘Be Like St. Paul’ providing a safe, compassionate and respectful place of growth.

We will cherish each other, in a climate of forgiveness and understanding, as God cherishes each one of us.

Our God-given talents will flourish through the support of our love of Jesus, learning and each other.

In the light of Christ, all members of our community will support our development on our journey of faith and learning, as we bear joyful witness to God’s word.

As God's family, we aspire to love, grow, learn and achieve beyond our dreams.


Our Team

My name is Miss Hine and I am the class teacher in Year 1.

Miss Riding is our wonderful teaching assistant.





Please regularly check our class page to keep updated with any new information you may need to be aware of. Other information may sometimes be available on our classroom door, so please keep an eye on that for any updates or changes.

Meet the Teacher!

Key Information:


Change of Reading Books

Please make sure your child brings their book bag and reading books daily as there will be regular opportunities to read in class and for new books to be sent home.



Spellings will be posted on the class page weekly. 


PE: Outdoor- Wednesday, Indoor- Thursday

Children need to bring an outdoor kit into school weekly. Indoor kits can stay in school and will be sent home accordingly.



If you have any worries, concerns or queries, please do not hesitate to contact the school office and I will be in contact at the earliest possible opportunity.


We look forward to a successful, joyous and enjoyable year ahead!


The Year 1 team.

Key Learning in Year 1

Curriculum Information


Religious Education:

Unit 1 - Families

Unit 2 - Belonging

Unit 3 - Waiting

Unit 4 - Special People

Unit 5 - Meals

Unit 6 - Change

Unit 7 - Holidays and Holy Days

Unit 8 - Being Sorry

Unit 9 - Neighbours




Autumn Term

Seasonal Change

Everyday Materials


Spring Term

Animals: Sensitive Bodies

Animals: Comparing Animals


Summer Term



Remote learning for Year 1- If your child has COVID19 but is feeling well, the 'Grab and Go' resources below can be used to help them continue their learning until they are back in school.

If your child is unwell for any reason, including COVID19, the completion of this work is not compulsory.