Visions and Values
In the St Paul’s family, we strive to ‘Be Like St. Paul’ providing a safe, compassionate and respectful place of growth.
We will cherish each other, in a climate of forgiveness and understanding, as God cherishes each one of us.
Our God-given talents will flourish through the support of our love of Jesus, learning and each other.
In the light of Christ, all members of our community will support our development on our journey of faith and learning, as we bear joyful witness to God’s word.
As God's family, we aspire to love, grow, learn and achieve beyond our dreams
At St. Paul’s, we believe that every child deserves the best possible start in life and the support that enables them to fulfil their potential.
The family of St Paul's aims to provide:
• A Catholic ethos that permeates through life, providing the children with a safe, calm and nurturing environment.
• A broad and balanced curriculum which builds on children’s interests and experiences, giving them the broad range of knowledge and skills needed for good progress through school and life
• Quality and consistency in teaching and learning so that every child makes good progress and no child gets left behind.
• Guidance in resilience and decision-making, fostering independence and self-confidence
• Close partnership with parents/carers and the community, valuing their contributions.