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St Paul's R.C. Primary School

As God's Family We Aspire To Love, Grow, Learn

And Achieve Beyond Our Dreams

Mental Health and Wellbeing

Mental Health and Wellbeing


This year's Children's Mental Health Week will take place on 7-13 February 2022. This year's theme is Growing Together.

We will be encouraging children (and adults) to consider how they have grown, and how they can help others to grow.


Growth Stories


Human beings change and grow – we do it all the time and in many ways. Emotional growth is often a gradual process that happens over time, and sometimes we might feel a bit ‘stuck’. At these times, we are reminded of how much we need others in our lives to help us to keep growing.   


In exclusive interviews with presenter and Place2Be Ambassador Josh Smith, familiar faces from the world of TV, music and sport have shared their stories of emotional growth with us.  


These videos can be used in class, or at home with your child, to help start a conversation about growth and the different challenges we may face.

My name is Miss Halleron.


As well as being a teacher at St Paul’s, I am also a Mental Health Ambassador/First Aider for the school.  


My role is to contribute to promoting good mental health and emotional well-being among pupils of all ages, and the adults that care for them.


The main topic in everyone’s lives at the moment is Covid-19.  It can be all-consuming at times. That is why it is vital we take care of our own mental and physical health.


There are many tools online that will assist you in doing this.  


I will do my best to direct you to sites and apps that could help during these unprecedented times.





Due to the current situation, it’s understandable to feel stressed or anxious at this moment in time.  There are a wealth of online resources that can help us combat these feelings or emotions.


I find that breathing exercises and meditation really helps. This form of active breathing helps shift the focus inwards, regulates our state of mind, and creates a sense of calm and purpose.  It may even prevent certain conditions, like depression and anxiety.  


I personally use an app called 'Smiling Mind.'  There are a number of apps available to you; I downloaded this particular one as it’s free and user friendly.


If you are interested, have a look at what is available and more importantly, whatever suits your needs.  


Below are just a few examples:


The NHS have listed some more apps on their website:





Our mental health is so important, but so too is our physical health. 


Apps are a great tool to help us do this in the comfort of your own home.  Another option, is to may be  access videos via Youtube. You will find a number of pilates, yoga, strength and cardio workouts on there.  These can be done at any time of the day; thus easy to fit into your family/daily routine.


Below are just a few examples:





We can all have moments when we experience low moods. 


That is completely understandable, and everyone will at some point may feel anxious about the unusual situation we find ourselves in. 


This situation is a perfect opportunity to learn something new. That could be knitting, crochet, learning a language, baking or even gardening.  My daughter has found a love for baking, which is good for her but not  for me, as I am chief taste tester!


You could try accessing an online course or listening to a podcast.  They can cover a ride range of topics, as previously mentioned, children may become interested in something new.





It is really important that we stay connected to each other.  


At times of stress, we work better in company and with support. Try and keep in touch with your friends and family, by telephone, email or social media, or if needs must, contact a helpline for emotional support.  


The children’s class blog, found on Purple Mash, is a great tool for the children to stay in contact with all their classmates and in a safe environment.






While all the tools that are available to us can help us with our mental/physical health, our learning and staying connected with friends or family, there has to be a balance.


As we are bombarded with 24 hour rolling news and constant updates, try to minimise this exposure for your children and yourselves.


Also, remember to regularly assess your children’s social media and screen time activity.  Best practice is to to set limits on your children’s screen.  Adults too!


So, put your phone down.  Enjoy your daily exercise, try your hand at arts and crafts, do some creative writing or drawing, and be happy.





The government advice on supporting children and young people’s mental health can be found here:


Covid-19 Government Guidance