School Day
School Day
The school day starts at 8:55am (although children are welcomed into school at 8:45am)
Lunch is between 12:15pm and 1:15pm
School finishes at 3:20pm
These timings amount to a typical school week of 32.5 hours
Where to come into school and leave
- All children should enter school via the front gate and make their way to the green gate by the side of the kitchen. Children should then make their way to the appropriate classroom door as they move around the outside of school.
What to do if you are late
You must go to the School Office where your child will be signed in. This is to ensure your child is registered as present and will be included in lunch numbers. They will then either walk or be taken down to their classroom.
If you are going to be late to pick up your child, please ring school and let us know on 01254 201495.
If your child has not been collected for any reason a member of staff will ring to contact, you to inform you that your child has not been collected.