Year 4
Welcome to Year 4! 🌟
Mission Statement
In the St Paul’s family, we strive to ‘Be Like St. Paul’ providing a safe, compassionate and respectful place of growth.
We will cherish each other, in a climate of forgiveness and understanding, as God cherishes each one of us.
Our God-given talents will flourish through the support of our love of Jesus, learning and each other.
In the light of Christ, all members of our community will support our development on our journey of faith and learning, as we bear joyful witness to God’s word.
As God's family, we aspire to love, grow, learn and achieve beyond our dreams.
Our Team
Class Teacher: Miss Armour
Teaching Assistant: Mrs Dexter
Mrs Slater will also support in class too.
Our Year 4 Family 🌟

Class Routines
P.E. Lessons
Monday (Outdoor) and Thursday (Indoor)
Trainers may be worn with our school P.E. kit for outdoor P.E. lessons.
Reading Records will be checked for amount read at home. We ask that pupils read at least 3 times a week and have their reading records signed to show this. The pupils will earn Dojos
based on how many times they have read at home!
Music Lessons
We will have music lessons on a Tuesday morning. Mr Higginson will take a small group of pupils each term to learn the ukulele, the children will also be bringing their sheet music home with them so that they can practice whilst at home. Please ensure that your child brings their ukelele and sheet music back into school on a Tuesday morning so that they are prepared and ready for their lesson.
Home Learning
In addition to reading, pupils are asked practice their weekly spellings and to go on Times Tables Rock Stars three times each week (for a minimum of 5 minutes). Logins can be found in the front of their reading diary.
Every 3 weeks, the children will bring home a booklet of times table activities to complete. The purpose of these booklets is for the children to use them to learn and practice a specific set of times tables over the 3 week block. These booklets do not need to be returned to school. After three weeks of practice, there will be a review on those multiplications before the next booklet will be handed out.
All activities will be uploaded onto our class page as well as handed out to children.
Times Tables Check
You can help your child prepare for their Multiplication Times Tables Check (MTC) by accessing a practice test on either the 'Soundcheck' area of TTRS or on Maths Frame Times Tables Check. Both of these provide a mock test of 25 questions with 6 seconds to answer each question. Please see the MTC section of our class page for more information about this.
If you have any worries, concerns or queries, please do not hesitate to contact the school office and I will be in contact at the earliest possible opportunity.
We look forward to an incredibly exciting and successful year ahead!
Your Year 4 Team